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The following symbols are used in the SP mode tables.

FA: Factory setting

(Data may be adjusted from the default setting at the factory. Refer to the factory setting sheets enclosed. You can find it under the jammed paper removal decal.)

DFU: Design/Factory Use only

Do not touch these SP modes in the field.

A sharp (#) to the right hand side of the mode number column means that the main switch must be turned off and on to effect the setting change.

An asterisk (*) to the right hand side of the mode number column means that this mode is stored in the NVRAM. If you do a RAM clear, this SP mode will be reset to the default value. "ENG" and "CTL" show which NVRAM contains the data.

The settings of each SP mode are explained in the right-hand column of the SP table in the following way.

[Adjustable range / Default setting / Step] Alphanumeric


  • If "Alphanumeric" is written to the right of the bracket as shown above, the setting of the SP mode shows on the screen using alphanumeric characters instead of only numbers. However, the settings in the bracket in the SP mode table are explained by using only the numbers.

SSP: This denotes a "Special Service Program" mode setting.