Ask the customer to store the following items.

PictureParts NameQ'tyUse
Ink replacement jigs8Replacing white ink, changing color
Removed tubes (When 4C+W machine is installed.)4Changing color (4C+W ->4C)

Rubber stoppers for circulation section of the print head2. (When 4C+W machine is installed.)

4Changing color (4C+W ->4C)
Sealing materials for channel (When 4C machine is installed.)4Changing color (4C ->4C+W)
Supporting sponges for fixing capping station2Moving the machine
Supporting sponges for fixing the carriage unit

4 (long)

1 (short)

Moving the machine
Screws for fixing the carriage unit2Moving the machine
A sealing screw with a ring for waste ink tray1Moving the machine
Brackets for supporting the stay2Moving the machine
A cap for waste ink tube1Moving the machine
Lids of the waste ink bottle2Moving the machine
A blind cover for the attention light section (when installing option)1A cover when the attention light is not used