SC No.LevelError Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC625-00DHead Driving Md Image Adjustment Sensor Error
Timeout occurred in the state that the colorimetric sensor completion interrupt signal was waiting.
Colorimetric Sensor Communication Error
  1. Check if the SC occurs by turning the power OFF then ON.
  2. Reconnect the harness connector CN1 of the colorimetric sensor to CN118 on HDC.
  3. Replace the harness.
  4. Replace the colorimetric sensor.
  5. Replace HDC.
SC No.LevelError Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC641-00DCommunication error between engine board and controller board.
Engine board does not respond after controller board tries to communicate three times.
  • Controller board/software error
  • Connect error between controller board and engine board
  • Engine board software error
  • Check connections between controller board and engine board.
  • Turn the main switch off and on.
SC No.LevelError Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC652-00ARemote service ID2 mismatching
There was an authentication mismatch between ID2 for @Remote, GAU, and NV-RAM.
  • Used GAU installed
  • Used NV-RAM installed (such action is not allowed.)
  1. If this occurs during RC Gate installation:Check the validity of the certificate and the NV-RAM, check the machine serial number, delete the individual certificate, and then begin installation again.
  2. If this occurs after RC Gate installation:Clear the RC Gate install status, check the validity of the certificate and the NV-RAM, check the machine serial number, delete the individual certificate, and then begin installation again.
SC No.LevelError Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC653-00AIncorrect remote service ID2
ID2 stored in the NV-RAM has either of the following problems.
  • Number of characters is not 17.
  • Includes a character that cannot be printed.
  • All spaces
  • NULL
Replace the NV-RAM.
Clear the RC Gate install status, rewrite ID2, and then begin installation again.
SC No.LevelError Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC660-00DDDR Initialization Error
The software watches the register that finishes the DDR initialization of  FPGA, and time out is generated (500 ms).
  • Parts on GAU defective
  • The short circuit caused by dust or others
  1. Check if the SC occurs by turning the power OFF then ON.
  2. Do the cleaning.
  3. Replace GAU.
SC No.LevelError Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC661-01DCommand Communication Error HDC1
SC661-02DCommand Communication Error HDC1
SC661-03DCommand Communication Error HDC1
SC661-04DCommand Communication Error HDC1
  • SC661-01
    The software watches BUSY of the HDC register and window register CH1 before issuing the command, and then time out is generated (150 times).
  • SC661-02
    The software watches BUSY of the HDC register and window register CH1 after issuing the command, and then time out is generated (30 times).

  • SC661-03
    When the software issues the commands of the HDC register and window register CH1, the retry is performed three times consecutively by perr.
  • SC661-04
    Interrupt processing (CH1) of FPGA being scanning is not generated.
  • GAU and HDC board disconnected
  • The parts on the boards defective
  1. Check if the SC occurs by turning the power OFF then ON.
  2. Reconnect the harness connector CN102 on HDC1 to CN208 on GAU.
  3. Replace the harness.
  4. Replace HDC1 board .
  5. Replace GAU.
SC No.LevelError Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC662-01DCommand Communication Error HDC2
SC662-02DCommand Communication Error HDC2
SC662-03DCommand Communication Error HDC2
SC662-04DCommand Communication Error HDC2
  • SC662-01
    The software watches BUSY of the HDC register and window register CH2 before issuing the command, and then time out is generated (150 times).
  • SC662-02
    The software watches BUSY of the HDC register and window register CH2 after issuing the command, and then time out is generated (30 times).
  • SC662-03
    When the software issues the commands of the HDC register and window register CH2, the retry is performed three times consecutively by perr.
  • SC662-04
    The software does not detected the interrupt processing (CH2) of FPGA during scanning.
  • GAU and HDC board disconnected
  • The parts on the boards defective
  1. Check if the SC occurs by turning the power OFF then ON.
  2. Reconnect the harness connector CN102 on HDC2 to CN209 on GAU.
  3. Replace the harness.
  4. Replace HDC2 board .
  5. Replace GAU.
SC No.LevelError Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC663-00DIOB Does Not Start
This SC occurs when IOB Wake signal is not on the wake side.
  • IOB broken
  • GAU broken
  • Connectors between GAU and IOB disconnected
  • PSU 5V not output
  1. Check if the SC occurs by turning the power OFF then ON.
  2. Reconnect the connector CN165 on IOB.
  3. Replace IOB.
  4. Replace GAU .
  5. Replace PSU (+5V).
SC No.LevelError Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC664-01DVODKA SRAM program expansion error
SC664-02DVODKA SRAM program expansion error
SC664-03DVODKA SRAM program expansion error
  SC664-01: VODKA SRAM access permission error (Write permission denied)
SC664-02: VODKA SRAM write error (write result abnormal)
SC664-03: VODKA program startup error
  • Electric noises and hardware defect
  • IOB replacement, harness check
SC No.LevelError Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC665-01DHead Driving Md Connector Connection Error Head 1
SC665-02DHead Driving Md Connector Connection Error Head 2
SC665-03DHead Driving Md Connector Connection Error Head 3
  HORUS terminals: PTC1(GAU_LOCK_N) and PTC2(HDC_LOCK_N) detect the low level after the emergency stop error interrupts HORUS from HDC.
Then, this error is detected by the flag register associated with errors of the FPGA (TAHEI 1/2) with HDC.
Harness disconnected
  1. Check if the SC occurs by turning the power OFF then ON.
  2. Reconnect the connector CN106-111 on HDC.
  3. Replace the head harness according to the branch number.
  4. Replace HDC.
  5. Replace the head according to the branch number.
SC No.LevelError Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC666-01DHead Driving Md Thermistor Error Head 1
SC666-02DHead Driving Md Thermistor Error Head 2
SC666-03DHead Driving Md Thermistor Error Head 3
  HORUS terminals: PTC1(GAU_LOCK_N) and PTC2(HDC_LOCK_N) detect the low level after the emergency stop error interrupts HORUS from HDC.
Then, this error is detected by the flag register associated with errors of the FPGA (TAHEI 1/2) with HDC.
  • Cooling fan defective
  • Temperature rise due to heavy printing duty
  • Thermistor broken, ground fault
  1. Check if the SC occurs by turning the power OFF and after 10 minutes, turning the power ON.
  2. Reconnect the connector CN106-111 on HDC.
  3. Replace the head harness according to the branch number.
  4. Replace HDC.
  5. Replace the head according to the branch number.
SC No.LevelError Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC666-05DHead Driving Md Thermistor Error HDC
HORUS terminals: PTC1(GAU_LOCK_N) and PTC2(HDC_LOCK_N) detect the low level after the emergency stop error interrupts HORUS from HDC.
Then, this error is detected by the flag register associated with errors of the FPGA (TAHEI 1/2) with HDC.
  • Cooling fan defective
  • Temperature rise due to heavy printing duty
  • Thermistor broken, ground fault
  1. Check if the SC occurs by turning the power OFF and after 10 minutes, turning the power ON.
  2. Reconnect the connector CN106-111 on HDC.
  3. Replace the carriage temperature thermistor.
  4. Replace HDC.
SC No.LevelError Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC666-06DHead Driving Md HDC Error
  • HORUS terminals: PTC1(GAU_LOCK_N) and PTC2(HDC_LOCK_N) detect the low level after the emergency stop error interrupts HORUS from HDC.
    Then, this error is detected by the flag register associated with errors of the FPGA (TAHEI 1/2) with HDC.
  • Time out for command responses occurs when printing or doing ide discharge.
  • Melting fuse due to over current, short circuit, sky fault.
  • Stop to provide the current by melting fuse, low voltage due to over current,
  • Circuit for generating power defective. 
  • FROM defective, access error, image data bit error
  • FPGA operation error
  • HDC circuit defective
  1. Check if the SC occurs by turning the power OFF then ON.
  2. Reconnect the connector CN100-102, CN106-111 on HDC.
  3. Replace HDC.
SC No.LevelError Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC666-07DHead Driving Md Over Current Error Head 1
SC666-08DHead Driving Md Over Current Error Head 2
SC666-09DHead Driving Md Over Current Error Head 3
  • HORUS terminals: PTC1(GAU_LOCK_N) and PTC2(HDC_LOCK_N) detect the low level after the emergency stop error interrupts HORUS from HDC.
    Then, this error is detected by the flag register associated with errors of the FPGA (TAHEI 1/2) with HDC.
Over current due to ink leaking or harness ground fault or others
  1. Check if the SC occurs by turning the power OFF then ON.
  2. Replace the head harness according to the branch number.
  3. Replace HDC.
  4. Replace the head according to the branch number.
SC No.LevelError Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC666-13DHead Driving Md Communication Error
  • HORUS terminals: PTC1(GAU_LOCK_N) detects the high level after the emergency stop error interrupts HORUS from HDC.
  • HORUS terminals: PTC2(HDC_LOCK_N) detects the high level after the emergency stop error interrupts HORUS from HDC.
  • HORUS terminals: PTC1(GAU_LOCK_N) and PTC2(HDC_LOCK_N) detect the high level after the emergency stop error interrupts HORUS from HDC.
    Then, this error is detected by the flag register associated with errors of the FPGA (TAHEI 1/2) with HDC. Rx/Tx Vx1 unestablished error (0xAC1 bit 0/1)= 1, which is the object of a detection.
  • Configuration is not completed three times.
Communication between GAU - HDC can not complete due to the following cause.
  • Connector disconnected
  • harness broken
  • Receive device defective
  1. Check if the SC occurs by turning the power OFF then ON.
  2. Reconnect CN208 on GAU.
  3. Reconnect CN102 on HDC.
  4. Replace GAU.
  5. Replace HDC.
SC No.LevelError Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC669-01DEEPROM OPEN: ID error
SC669-02DEEPROM OPEN: Channel error
SC669-03DEEPROM OPEN: Device error
SC669-04DEEPROM OPEN: Communication abort error
SC669-05DEEPROM OPEN: Communication timeout error
SC669-06DEEPROM OPEN: Operation stopped error
SC669-07DEEPROM OPEN: Buffer full
SC669-08DEEPROM OPEN: No error code
SC669-10DEEPROM CLOSE: No error code
SC669-11DEEPROM Data write: ID error
SC669-12DEEPROM Data write: Channel error
SC669-13DEEPROM Data write: Device error
SC669-14DEEPROM Data write: Communication abort error
SC669-15DEEPROM Data write: Communication timeout error
SC669-16DEEPROM Data write: Operation stopped error
SC669-17DEEPROM Data write: Buffer full
SC669-18DEEPROM Data write: No error code
SC669-19DEEPROM Data read: ID error
SC669-20DEEPROM Data read: Channel error
SC669-21DEEPROM Data read: Device error
SC669-22DEEPROM Data read: Communication abort error
SC669-23DEEPROM Data read: Communication timeout error
SC669-24DEEPROM Data read: Operation stopped error
SC669-25DEEPROM Data read: Buffer full
SC669-26DEEPROM Data read: No error code
SC669-27DEEPROM Device detection: ID error
SC669-28DEEPROM Device detection: Channel error
SC669-29DEEPROM Device detection: Device error
SC669-30DEEPROM Device detection: Communication abort error
SC669-31DEEPROM Device detection: Communication timeout error
SC669-32DEEPROM Device detection: Operation stopped error
SC669-33DEEPROM Device detection: Buffer full
SC669-34DEEPROM Device detection: No error code
SC669-36DSRAM expansion verify error
SC669-37DMalfunction detection error
  Received an error notification during EEPROM communication and does not resume after 3 retries.
  • EEPROM disconnected
  • EEPROM broken
  • MAIN broken
  • Data corrupted due to noise
  1. Check if the SC occurs by turning the power OFF then ON.
  2. Reconnect EEPROM on GAU.
  3. Replace EEPRO on GAU.
  4. Replace GAU.
SC No.LevelError Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC670-01DWhen machine power on, the engine does not start up.
  1. ENGRDY signal not asserted.
  2. PCI does not link up when recovering from the energy saving mode.
  3. No RAPI response of EC / PC / SC command from engine
  4. Writing error to the RAPI driver
  5. GAU board is down /not stable
Engine board does not start up.
  1. Turn the main switch off and on ten times consecutively, and then confirm that this SC occurs once or more.
  2. Check connections between GAU and the engine board by reconnecting connectors, and then check if the SC occurs.
  3. Replace as the following steps.
    1. GAU
    2. PSU
SC No.LevelError Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC670-02DWhen machine power on, the engine down
  • CPU reset by WDT
  • CPU reset by the software
  • CPU reset by CPU exception
  • Slave VODKA reset
  • Hardware defective / CPU reset by noise
  • Hardware defective / Slave VODKA reset by noise
Engine board reset at unintended timing
  1. Ask customers about the machine condition when this SC occured. Turn the main switch off and on ten times consecutively, and then confirm that this SC occurs once or more.
  2. Check the version of the engine firmware and the controller firmware. (Update them to the latest version.)
  3. Check connections between GAU and the engine board by reconnecting connectors, and then check if the SC occurs.
  4. Replace as the following steps.
    1.  GAU
    2.  PSU
SC No.LevelError Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC670-03DGAU Engine Unit Startup Error
VDET_EPCI signal does not assert.
PSU/GAU board defective
  • Turn the main switch off and on ten times consecutively, and then confirm that this SC occurs once or more.
  • Replace as the following steps.
    1. PSU
    2. CTL
SC No.LevelError Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC670-04DLink Up Error
Link up transaction was not completed.
  • PSU/GAU board defective
  • FPGA (Yatsuhashi) error
  • Turn the main switch off and on ten times consecutively, and then confirm that SC occurs once or more.
  • Replace GAU.
SC No.LevelError Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC684-01CNozzle Cleaning Cartridge: EEPROM Communication Error
I2C Communication Error
  • EEPROM data corrupted
  • Connector disconnected
  • EEPROM broken
  • Noise
  1. Check if the SC occurs by turning the power OFF then ON.
  2. Reinsert the nozzle cleaning cartridge.
  3. Check if foreign objects are caught in the terminal section of EEPROM on the nozzle cleaning cartridge and remove them if there are any.
  4. Check if connectors are disconnected.
  5. Replace the nozzle cleaning cartridge.
  6. Replace the harnesses between IOB and the nozzle cleaning cartridge.
  7. Replace the circuit board for ID connection.
  8. Replace IOB.
SC No.LevelError Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC684-02CFlushing Cartridge: ID Chip Communication Error (Invalid Device ID)
I2C Communication Error
  • ID Chip data corrupted
  • Connector disconnected
  • No ID Chip
  • ID Chip broken
  • Noise
  1. Check if the SC occurs by turning the power OFF then ON.
  2. Reinsert the flushing cartridge.
  3. Check if foreign objects are caught in the terminal section of ID Chip on the flushing cartridge and remove them if there are any.
  4. Check if connectors are disconnected.
  5. Replace the flushing cartridge.
  6. Replace the harnesses between IOB and the flushing cartridge.
  7. Replace the circuit board for ID connection.
  8. Replace IOB.
SC No.LevelError Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC685-01D+24V1 The Power Current Discharge Error
SC685-02D+24V2 The Power Current Discharge Error
SC685-03D+24V1 The Power Start Up Error
SC685-04D+24V2 The Power Start Up Error
  • SC685-01, 02
    This SC is generated If 24V1 or 24V2 is not discharged when ten seconds elapses after the cover opens.
  • SC685-03, 04
    This SC is generated If 24VS1 or 24VS2 is not outputted when ten seconds elapses after the cover opens.
  • Connector disconnected
  • Harness broken or ground fault
  • IOB defective
  • PSU defective
  1. Check the SC history. Check all the doors closed, and then turn the main switch OFF and ON. check if the SC occurs.SC685-XX did not occur: No treatment is necessary.
    SC685-01 did not occur: Go to step 2.
    SC685-02 did not occur: Go to step 3.
    SC685-03 did not occur: Go to step 4.
    SC685-04 did not occur: Go to step 5.
  2. Check SC685-01.
    1. Check if LED4 (yellow) on IOB is OFF.
      LED lit: Go to step 4.
      LED did not lit: Go to step 2.
    2. Check the harness between IOB and PSU, and then if foreign objects are caught and ground fault is there, replace the harness.
      SC did not occur: No treatment is necessary.
      SC occurred: Go to step 3.
    3. Reconnect the connector of IOB and PSU.
      SC did not occur: No treatment is necessary.
      SC occurred: Go to step 4.
    4. Replace IOB.
      SC did not occur: No treatment is necessary.
      SC occurred: Go to step 5.
    5. Replace PSU.
      SC did not occur: No treatment is necessary.
  3. Check SC685-02.
    1. Check if LED5 (yellow) on IOB is OFF.
      LED lit: Go to step 4.
      LED did not lit: Go to step 2.
    2. Check the harness between IOB and PSU, and then if foreign objects are caught and ground fault is there, replace the harness.
      SC did not occur: No treatment is necessary.
      SC occurred: Go to step 3.
    3. Reconnect the connector of IOB and PSU.
      SC did not occur: No treatment is necessary.
      SC occurred: Go to step 4.
    4. Replace IOB.
      SC did not occur: No treatment is necessary.
      SC occurred: Go to step 5.
    5. Replace PSU.
      SC did not occur: No treatment is necessary.
  4. Check SC685-03.
    1. 24VS1 : Check if LED6 (orange) on IOB is ON.
      LED lit: Go to step 6.
      LED did not lit: Go to step 2.
    2. 24V1 : Check if LED4 (yellow) on IOB is ON.
      LED lit: Go to step 6.
      LED did not lit: Go to step 3.
    3. Check the harness between IOB and PSU, and then if foreign objects are caught and ground fault is there, replace the harness.
      SC did not occur: No treatment is necessary.
      SC occurred: Go to step 4.
    4. Reconnect the connector of IOB and PSU.
      SC did not occur: No treatment is necessary.
      SC occurred: Go to step 5.
    5. Replace IOB.
      SC did not occur: No treatment is necessary.
      SC occurred: Go to step 6.
    6. Replace PSU.
      SC did not occur: No treatment is necessary.
  5. Check SC685-04.
    1. 24VS2 : Check if LED7 (orange) on IOB is ON.
      LED lit: Go to step 6.
      LED did not lit: Go to step 2.
    2. 24V2 : Check if LED5 (yellow) on IOB is ON.
      LED lit: Go to step 6.
      LED did not lit: Go to step 3.
    3. Check the harness between IOB and PSU, and then if foreign objects are caught and ground fault is there, replace the harness.
      SC did not occur: No treatment is necessary.
      SC occurred: Go to step 4.
    4. Reconnect the connector of IOB and PSU.
      SC did not occur: No treatment is necessary.
      SC occurred: Go to step 5.
    5. Replace IOB.
      SC did not occur: No treatment is necessary.
      SC occurred: Go to step 6.
    6. Replace PSU.
SC No.LevelError Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC686-01DInk Cartridge: ID Chip Communication Error (Ink Cartridge 1)
SC686-02DInk Cartridge: ID Chip Communication Error (Ink Cartridge 2)
SC686-03DInk Cartridge: ID Chip Communication Error (Ink Cartridge 3)
SC686-04DInk Cartridge: ID Chip Communication Error (Ink Cartridge 4)
SC686-05DInk Cartridge: ID Chip Communication Error (Ink Cartridge 5)
SC686-06DInk Cartridge: ID Chip Communication Error (Ink Cartridge 6)
SC686-07DInk Cartridge: ID Chip Communication Error (Ink Cartridge 7)
SC686-08DInk Cartridge: ID Chip Communication Error (Ink Cartridge 8)
  I2C communication is not done between IOB and Ink cartridges.
  • ID chip data corrupted
  • Connector disconnected
  • No ID chip
  • ID chip broken
  • Noise
  1. Check if the SC occurs by turning the power OFF then ON.
  2. Reinsert the ink cartridge.
  3. Check if foreign objects are caught in the terminal section of EEPROM on the ink cartridge and remove them if there are any.
  4. Check if connectors are disconnected.
  5. Replace the ink cartridge.
  6. Replace the harnesses between IOB and the ink cartridge.
  7. Replace the circuit board for ID chip connection.
  8. Replace IOB.
SC No.LevelError Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC687-00DPER command error
The machine does not receive PER command from the controller within two minutes.
Communication Error
Check if the SC occurs by turning the power OFF then ON.