• Retrieve device logs to identify the date of occurrence of the problems and to find details of the problems
  • e.g.: At around 8:00 am on March 10, an engine stall occurred. The operation panel does not respond. Turn the main power supply off / on.
  • Retrieve logs of three or more days before the date of occurrence of the problems.
  • Analysis of the device log is effective for problems caused by the software. Analysis of the device log is not valid for the selection of defective parts or problems caused by hardware.
  • Make sure to shut down and reboot the machine once before retrieving the Debug Logs. Otherwise, the latest settings may not be collected when the debug logs are retrieved.

How to retrieve logs
 SD card

Use an SD card that is registered as a service part and has 2 GB or more capacity.

Insert the SD card in the service slot beforehand.

ProcedureExecute from the SP screen.
Range settingIn SP mode, set the date of occurrence of the problem and the number of days (including the date of occurrence) to retrieve logs from.
  • Date of occurrence of the problem: 0 to 20371212 (eight-digitnumber in yyyymmdd format. Default: 0)
    If the inputted number is smaller than 19700101, the SP for retrieval fails.
  • Number of days (including the date of occurrence) to retrieve logs from: 1 to 180 (default: 2)

The specified number of days is applied when retrieving the following device information.

  • Controller debug logs
  • Engine debug logs
Device information to be retrieved

The following types of device information are retrieved.

  • Debug logs that are always saved (controller debug logs including the operation logs)
  • Engine debug logs
Retrieval result files
  • Controller debug logs: /LogTrace/[machine serial number]/watching/[yyyymmdd_hhmmss]_[unique value].gz
  • Engine debug logs: /LogTrace/[machine serial number]/engine/[yyyymmdd_hhmmss].gz
How to read the retrieved device information
  • Debug logs that are always saved: Use a tool for restoration of debug logs that are always saved that is supplied separately.
  • Engine debug logs: Use a tool which converts them to text data.
When the main power switch is pressed during retrievalRetrieval continues until the shutdown timer operates. After the timer finishes, the main power turns OFF even if retrieval is in progress and the file to which the retrieved information has been saved will be corrupt.