1. In "C:\Onyx18\Tools", double-click "LoggerConfigLauncher.exe" to run it.
    "C:\" may vary depending on where RIPCenter/PosterShop was installed.
  2. From "Application:", select the application for collecting the log file.
    First, select RipQueue. Job Editor, PSRip, PDFRip, and Printer Install will be configured later.
  3. Check "File Logging", and then set "Logging Level:" in "File logging" to "Information".
    Do not check "Delete file contents before each use".
    Do not change the "Console Logging" or "HTTP Logging" settings.
  4. Click […] to the right of "Log file".
  5. Create the "Onyx_log" folder in an easy-to-find location, such as in the C drive root directory.
    This step is required only once and not later on.
  6. Select the "Onyx_log" folder as the location for storing the log file, and then specify the log file name.
    If it is a RIPQueue log, name the log file "RIPQueueLog.log".

    Specify a different log file name for each application.

    Application:Log file name
    Job EditorJobEditorLog.log
    Printer InstallPrinterInstallLog.log

    It is recommended to store all the logs in the "Onyx_log" folder.

  7. It is recommended to store all the logs in the "Onyx_log" folder.
  8. Click [Apply Changes] to store the configured setting.