Never open the middle cover or raise the lever during printing. Opening the cover or raising the lever will abort printing.

This section explains how to correct misalignment of the ink dropping position. You can reduce misaligned verticals or blurred colors.

Adjust the drop position if:

  • You have changed the thickness of media or the height of the print heads.
  • Bidirectional printing produces misaligned verticals or blurred colors.

Before auto gap adjustment, perform head cleaning. (Performing Head Cleaning)

  • Printing the test pattern consumes ink. Perform this function only when necessary.
  • Perform no other operations while the test pattern is printing.
  • An error will occur and test pattern will not print if:
    • There is a misfeed.
    • One of the machine's covers is open.
    • The machine is performing maintenance operations.
    • The machine has run out of ink.
    • The machine has run out of media.

  • This machine cannot adjust the drop position automatically for transparent media. Adjust the drop position manually. For details, see "Adjusting the Drop Position Manually", Operating Instructions.
  • This machine also cannot adjust the print head 2 for white ink automatically. Adjust the print head 2 for white ink manually.
  • The pattern for manual adjustment

  1. Check that the media is set.
  2. Press the [Standard Procedure] key.
  3. Press [Head Height].

  4. Select the height of the print heads from [Default], [+1], [+2], [+3] depending on the thickness of the media.

  5. Press [Drop Position Adjustment].
  6. Press [Auto].
  7. Select a print mode from [6 Pass / 8 Pass], [12 Pass], [16 Pass], or [32 Pass].
    If the ink configuration used for the machine is 4C+W, select [12 Pass (White)].
  8. Press [Execute].
    The test pattern of the drop position adjustment is printed, and then drop position adjustment is performed.
  9. Press [Confirm].
  10. Press [End].
How to adjust the drop position using SP mode without using [Drop Position Adjustment] in UP mode

By adjusting the drop position using SP mode, you can automatically adjust the drop position for all the head heights (default, +1, +2, +3) in each print mode (6/8/16/32/12/12 (white) pass) at a time, without printing the test pattern of the drop position adjustment.

The setting values determined in this adjustment are overwritten on the setting values for each head height in each print mode which has been determined by [Drop Position Adjustment] in UP mode.

  1. Check the head height after drop position adjustment.
    1. Press the [Standard Procedure] key > [Head Height].
    2. Check the head height. ([Default], [+1], [+2], [+3] )
  2. Enter the SP mode. Select the appropriate SP from SP3-260-001, 002, 003, or 004, depending on the head height checked in step 1, and then execute it.
    The machine calculates the adjustment values for each head height in 12 pass or 12 pass (White). Then the calculated adjustment values are set on the machine automatically.
  3. Execute SP3-261-001.
    The machine calculates the adjustment values for each head height in other passes (6/8/16/32 (/12) pass) using the adjustment values for each head height in 12 pass or 12 pass (White) determined in step 2 as a reference. Then the calculated adjustment values are set on the machine automatically.

When the machine is used in the state of 4C+W, the machine calculates the adjustment values for each head height in other passes (6/8/12/16/32 pass) using the adjustment values for each head height in 12 pass (White) as a reference.

  • 4C

    [A]: Select one of the following SPs, and then execute it. The figure above shows the condition when executing SP3-260-001.

    • SP3-260-001 (When [Default] is selected in [Head Height].)
    • SP3-260-002 (When [+1] is selected in [Head Height].)
    • SP3-260-003 (When [+2] is selected in [Head Height].)
    • SP3-260-004 (When [+3] is selected in [Head Height].)

    [B]: When executing SP3-261-001 in the state of 4C, the machine calculates the adjustment values for each head height in other passes (6/8/16/32 pass) using the adjustment values for each head height in 12 pass as a reference.

  • 4C+W

    [A]: When executing SP3-260-001, 002, 003, or 004, in the state of 4C+W, the machine calculates the adjustment values for each head height in 12 pass (White).  Then the machine calculates the adjustment values for each head height in other passes (6/8/12/16/32 pass) using the adjustment values for each head height in 12 pass (White) by executing SP3-261-001.