SC No. Level Error Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC900-00AElectronic Total Counter Error
The total counter contains the value that is not the specified value.
This error is detected when stepping the total counter.
  • NV-RAM incorrect type
  • NV-RAM defective or corrupted
  • Unexpected error from external source
  • When PRT received signals at ENG I/F, the requested count did not complete.
Replace the NV-RAM.
SC No. Level Error Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC991-00CSoftware Continuity Error
An unexpected operation occurs in the software.
  • Argument error
  • Internal parameter incorrect
  • Insufficient working memory
  • An error caused by a problem that the SC detection monitoring hardware cannot find out.
No treatment is needed because the operation does not stop when SC occurs.
SC No. Level Error Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
SC992-00DThe System Software Error
An undefined error, which cannot be referred in the system, occurred.
  • SC that is used in the previous machine is used incorrectly.
  • Software bug
Turn the main power switch off and on.