The print heater is an aluminum foil heater which heats the media uniformly during printing in order to control the spreading of ink drop (dot gain). Internally, it is divided into the print heater end left [A], the print heater center [B], and the print heater end right [C] to prevent temperature unevenness which can be caused by the temperatures at the edges of the heater being lower. Each heater has the thermistor [D] which detects the temperature. The print heater also has a thermostat [E] as a safety equipment.

Target Temperature

The target temperature of each heater is controlled by the RIP or SP. The machine compares the temperature detected by the thermistor and the target temperature, and controls the temperature by turning the heater ON/OFF. The temperature of the print heater is controlled according to the media size as follows.

  • Media size

    ModelMedia Size (Width)
    Size 1Size 2Size 3
    L5130305 - 775 mm1020 - 1110 mm776 - 1019 mm
    L5160305 - 925 mm1320 - 1410 mm926 - 1319 mm
  • Target temperature

    Media SizeTemperature Setting
    Print Heater End LeftPrint Heater CenterPrint Heater End Right
    Size 1A + B °CA + Ta °CA + C °C
    Size 2A + B °CA °CA + C + Tb °C
    Size 3A + B + Tc °CA °CC °C
    Any Size other than Size 1 - 3A + B °CA °CC °C
  • SP settings

    Temperature SettingSP No.NameDefaultRange
    A*1SP1-100-005Print Heater Temp. Setting: Print Heater Temp. Setting55 °C20 - 70 °C
    BSP1-100-006Print Heater Temp. Setting: Temp. Setting: End: Right0 °C-20 - 20 °C
    CSP1-100-007Print Heater Temp. Setting: Temp. Setting: End: Left0 °C-20 - 20 °C
    TaSP1-100-015Print Heater: End Correction: End Correction Ta0 °C-10 - 10 °C
    TbSP1-100-016Print Heater: End Correction: End Correction Tb0 °C-10 - 10 °C
    TcSP1-100-017Print Heater: End Correction: End Correction Tc0 °C-10 - 10 °C

    *1 Temperature is kept at the temperature specified by the RIP which is given priority. It is kept at the temperature specified in SP mode when the RIP does not specify the temperature.